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Gown Set - Extended Hire Fee & Security Deposit

Gown Set - Extended Hire Fee & Security Deposit


Graduation Gown Rental - Extended Hire

Additional Fee & Refundable Security Deposit - €100


(In the event at request of you (the Hirer) wish to extended the time of and Hire & use of the garment(s) hired from Callaghan Robemakers Ltd in respect of each set of robe sets hired we require that you (the Hirer) pay an additional Extended Hire / usage fee of (3 days €50), (7 days €75), (14 days €100)  in addition to the hire our product and or Service(s) of €37.50 already payed for Standard Hire Duration and in respect of each set of robe sets hired we also require that you (the Hirer) pay a refundable security deposit of €100 (per set hired) when you purchase in addition to the hire our product and or Service(s) €37.50 ,


The combined amount of the Extended Fee and Security deposit €100 will be charged to your card upon purchase.

The security deposit of €100 will be held until the garment(s) are returned to Callaghan Robemakers ,upon the garments being returned we will issue a refund of €100 to your Card used in Payment

Our Vision

We aim  to provide the highest quality product and service at the fairest possible prices making it feasible for graduates to avail of  the essential needs without compromising on any element of their important day , We guarantee the best prices for graduates in Ireland

As an Irish company with customers within the EU, are committed to ensuring our business and processes are compliant with the most up to date GDPR data protection rule.

2025 by Callaghan Robemakers LTD (Gavin Callaghan)

Supporting Irish Business

We are Dublin based, family-run and our reputation is long established in Irish garment manufacturing . We are 100% Irish owned and we support indigenous Irish business in all our affairs.

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