Gown Set - Extended Hire Fee & Security Deposit
Graduation Gown Rental - Extended Hire
Additional Fee & Refundable Security Deposit - €100
(In the event at request of you (the Hirer) wish to extended the time of and Hire & use of the garment(s) hired from Callaghan Robemakers Ltd in respect of each set of robe sets hired we require that you (the Hirer) pay an additional Extended Hire / usage fee of (3 days €50), (7 days €75), (14 days €100) in addition to the hire our product and or Service(s) of €37.50 already payed for Standard Hire Duration and in respect of each set of robe sets hired we also require that you (the Hirer) pay a refundable security deposit of €100 (per set hired) when you purchase in addition to the hire our product and or Service(s) €37.50 ,
The combined amount of the Extended Fee and Security deposit €100 will be charged to your card upon purchase.
The security deposit of €100 will be held until the garment(s) are returned to Callaghan Robemakers ,upon the garments being returned we will issue a refund of €100 to your Card used in Payment